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Coaching Services

Book a Free Consultation to discuss which service is the most appropriate for you.
Bespoke Programmes can be provided.

Emotional Wellbeing Coaching

$165 - 60 minutes / $195 - 90 minutes

Emotional wellbeing helps individual to manage and acceptance of feelings, both pleasant and unpleasant. By accepting your feelings, you can begin to understand why you are feeling that way, and decide how you would like to act in response to those feelings. Being emotionally well grants you the power to express feelings without any constraints. In turn, you will be able to enjoy emotional expression and be capable of forming supportive and interdependent relationships with others. By becoming attentive to both positive and negative feelings and be able to understand how to handle and deal with these emotions. Emotional well-ness inspires self-care, relaxation, stress reduction and the development of inner strength. It also includes the ability to learn and grow from experiences, by encouraging autonomy and strengthen decision making skills.

Relationship Coaching

$165 - 60 minutes / $195 - 90 minutes

Relationships are the key to life, from your relationship with yourself to finding and keeping your life partner, getting along with your family and friends. Too many people think it is impossible to have it all and balance it all. They give up on their existing relationships, hoping to start all over again with a new partner. Only to repeat the same destructive patterns over and over. Brining and creating a lot of sadness, frustration and or drama to any relationship. Blaming their unhappiness on their partner or themselves. Not understanding that mostly we are trapped in the learnt patterns from childhood and not sure how to escape it. In relationship coaching you heal relationships by going through the traumas of the childhood and resolving these issues from the core. Leaving you free to heal and in doing so either heal current relationships or attract healthy sustainable relationships.

Transformational Coaching

$165 - 60 minutes / $195 - 90 minutes

A personal break though experience which uncovers your realistic goals; defining and fulfilling your personal desires with ease and grace. It assists you in resolving personal and professional roadblocks, such as; emotional turmoil, negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage to empower you to achieve the life you desire. On this voyage, your authentic confidence is restored helping you access your true potential. As well as enhancing your communication skills to improve your personal and professional relationships and overcoming conflicts. Restoring your health, energy and enthusiasm for life; setting you free to live your dream life with a purpose.

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