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Healing Services

Book a Free Consultation to discuss which service is the most appropriate for you.
Bespoke Programmes can be provided.

Theta Healing

$165 - 60 minutes / $195 - 90 minutes

Theta healing is a method reprogramming the mind. As we know our mindset is creating our reality. Therefore if we are not living the life of our dreams there needs to be a shift in our mindset. Which means we have a belief or fear that is limiting us. Theta healing provides us with a deep understanding of our true motives and why we do the things that we do. It takes us to the birth and origin of these beliefs, how we translate these events into limiting stories. It then removes the limiting stories, replacing them with new and empowering beliefs. This process helps lead us back to wholeness and the highest potential of the life we have been born to live, in our truest and most authentic form

DNA Strand
Reiki Treatment

Reiki Healing

$165 - 60 minutes / $195 - 90 minutes

Reiki is holistic energy healing treatment that works; on body, mind and soul. It relaxes the body by transmitting energy through the hands to the body of the recipient. Reiki helps to promote deep relaxation, harmony and balancing and dissolves energy blocks. It works by enhancing the body’s natural self-healing ability whilst energizing and promoting overall wellness. Allowing the individual to respond to challenges from an empowered space. It also assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system. Clears the mind and improves focus. It can also balance many health conditions; including stress, anxiety, depression, relieving pain, sleeping problems and infertility and much more.

Family Constellation

$165 - 60 minutes / $195 - 90 minutes

Most of the issues you face today stem from unresolved events and unprocessed emotions from your family that you probably don’t know about and are passed down across generations.

Once the hidden dynamics behind the issue that is holding you back are seen from a completely different perspective, they are transformed, for you, your children and future generations.

Simply put, Family Constellations is a powerful method to transform your relationship with your family, work, vitality, money and life by releasing you from the entanglements that are holding you back.

Image by Laura Fuhrman
Image by Darius Bashar

Breathe & Body Work

$165 - 60 minutes / $195 - 90 minutes

We breath the way we feel, 70% of toxins are released through breathing. Our body is like a hologram, keeping different memories in each part. Negative, memories and emotions get trapped in the body, causing unwanted patterns and behaviours. Combining breath and body is a deep method of healing, using three modalities of breath, pressure and your internal sound; thus 
releasing trapped emotions in your cellular memory. The breath penetrates the body to reconnect us with disconnected emotions which cause blockages in different aspects of our lives. Allowing us to release old patterns, traumas, stress and unresolved emotions.

Akashic Cleansing

$165 - 60 minutes / $195 - 90 minutes

Akashic—loosely translated from its Sanskrit roots—means ethers or ‘that which holds all. This ‘database’ of information transcends all realms and dimensions and can be thought of as a massive library of information. By accessing your akashic records, I clear and rewrite your energetic database that stores every choice we have ever made as individual souls. As souls we choose life paths to learn lessons, yet some of these lessons become unconscious loops one gets stuck in. Creating unhealthy patterns that are hard for us to exist. Accessing the reasons behind each choice gives you the option to align with your highest soul’s purpose, and make a choice that brings you back to your place of bliss.

Traditional Library
Healing Modalities: Services
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